NBC revokes licences of Silverbird, AIT, Raypower, Others

The National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) has revoked the broadcast licences of Silverbird TV, AIT, Rhythm FM, Raypower FM, and others over failure to renew their broadcast licences.

Mallam Balarabe Shehu, Director General of the NBC directed its state offices to liaise with security agencies to ensure the shut down of the operation of these stations within the next 24 hours.

NBC noted that “some licensees have yet to pay their outstanding debts, in violation of the National Broadcasting Commission Act CAP N11, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004, particularly section 10(a) of the Act’s third schedule.”

“As a result, after careful consideration, NBC hereby announces the revocation of the licenses of the stations and gives them 24 hours to cease operations.” Our offices across the country are hereby directed to work with security agencies to ensure immediate compliance.” The statement reads.

NBC says that the debtor stations’ continued operation is “illegal and poses a threat to national security.”

It urged other broadcast stations that have yet to renew their current licenses to do so within the next 30 days to avoid sanction.

Source: radionigeria