Which African nations have more Church members?

Among African nations and territories, the largest increase in Church membership during the past 10 years has been in Nigeria, increasing from 103,898 members in 2011 to 211,219 members at the close of 2021, an increase of 107,321. Nigeria remains the African locale with the most Church members.

Ghana has the second-most Church members, with 96,508, according to the most recent statistics available on Church
ofJesusChrist.org, followed by Democratic Republic of the Congo, 89,136; South Africa, 69,438; and Cote d’Ivoire, 56,804.

Ten years ago, the African nations with the most Church members were, in order, Nigeria, South Africa, Ghana, D.R. Congo and Zimbabwe.

Of nations with at least 2,000 members, the largest percentage growth over 10 years was in Benin, a 605% increase, from 676 members to 4,765. Second was Angola, from 1,046 to 4,160 members, a 298% increase.

The accompanying map and chart show African nations with at least 2,000 members, ranked by percentage increase over the past 10 years, and listed with the number of members as of Dec. 31, 2021.

Source: thechurchnews.