Electricity workers threathen another blackout

The National Union of Electricity Employees (NUEE) has threatened to shut down the national grid again if the Federal Government does not meet its demands, according to Comrade Dukat Ayuba, the union’s Zonal Organizing Secretary, North West Zone, at a press conference in Kaduna on Thursday.

He stated that a two-week ultimatum to address the problem had passed.

Dukat said that the privatization of the distribution sector was a sham because nothing had changed nine years after it was taken over by investors.

“That was why we kicked against privatising the distribution sector because the investors don’t have the capacity and expertise…we advised the government against it but the government was hell-bent on doing so. The investors are still operating with obsolete equipment dating back to 35, 40, and 50 years. One will expect that with the coming of the investors they will replace this obsolete equipment but nothing has been done.”

According to the union leader, the country continues to generate 5,000 megawatts of electricity, “the same megawatts that have always been produced.”

So, what is the advantage of privatization? “He inquired.”

“We now generate megawatts with higher tariffs. Bringing hardships to the homes of millions of Nigerians. This will only happen in Nigeria,” he stressed.

Comrade Wisdom Nwachukwu, a member of the Central Executive Committee, warned that the union would not allow Federal to sell the Nigerian Transmission Company (TCN).

Additionally, the union is seeking that nine years after the fact, workers who have retired or been laid off be paid the benefits to which they are entitled.

Source: radionigeria