Norway to award 100 million kroner to green projects in shipping and aquaculture

Eleven projects in sustainable aquaculture and emission reductions from ships will be awarded a total of NOK 100 million for research and innovation.

The projects that receive support in shipping and aquaculture include digitization, emission reduction technology, autonomous and remote-controlled vessels, and safety upgrades.

For the aquaculture industry, the projects that receive research funding will contribute to sustainable growth and value creation, the Research Council stated on Tuesday.

“The business community plays a key role in strengthening Norway’s leading position in seafood and shipping. It is exciting to follow and support the great will to change we are witnessing in the industry these days. This is how we create new jobs for the future along the entire coast,” Minister of Fisheries and Marine Affairs Bjørnar Skjæran (AP) noted.

The government has a goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030. Shipping and fishing account for about 6% of emissions.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews